Written by
King Crimson
Welcome to Vindictive Networks!
We do appreciate you deciding to choose Vindictive Networks for your Dark RP Experience!

*Max of 3 Entrance Fading Doors

*Disrespect of staff, members of the community, and anyone will not be tolerated

*Do not discriminate against anyone because of ideals, religion, preference, race, etc. Tolerate everyone and do not harass.

*Do not do anything that would impede with the gaming experience of players.

*Do not swear at anyone or yell at them. (This includes in a foreign language)
*Do not play ear rape songs, racist songs, or songs that hint towards anything that is not allowed.

*Voice changers are allowed as long as they don't disrupt the flow of the channel, sound boards are also allowed, but limited. (No ear rape)

*Music is only allowed in private channels, no public channels.

*Don't @ (Mention) anyone repeatedly.

*Discord is a service for communication, if you and one person are talking take it to DMs. We don't need to know every little detail about your life. (You'll be asked to stop)

*If you have excessive background noise mute your mic or do push to talk.

*Do not intentionally mic spam.
Game Rules Simplified
No Random Death Match
        Do not randomly kill people, if you do so it will have to be within the purpose of RDM, and not metagaming.

No Metagaming
        Using real life knowledge to determine your actions, for example you see in chat "Hit Completed" you can't arrest the Hitman unless you saw the murder take place.

No FailRP
        Stick to your RP, if you're law enforcement and hear printers you can't call a warrant.

No Vehicle Death Match
        Vehicles have collision, and they can kill people. Watch your driving!

No Breaking New Life Rule
        If you die you live a new life, you will forget everything that happened in your previous life.

No DDOS or Doxing
        Threats will result in a perma ban. Don't be stupid.

​​​​​​​        Just no NSFW content what so ever, this does not include ERP though, God help us.
RP Actions
​​​​​​​Raiding has a 15 minute cooldown. Advert required during day. (Raids can last 10 minutes, and the cooldown begins once Raid End is adverted)

Mugging has a 10 minute cooldown. Advert required during day. (Max of $2500)

Bank raids have a 20 minute cooldown. Advert always required.

Terror has a 15 minute cooldown. Advert required.

Kidnapping is exclusive to cultist.

At night no adverts are required.

You don't have anything special.

You can raid, mug, rob, and the such.

You can set laws as long as they don't impede on unalienable rights.

Do not arrest, kill, warrant, without proper cause. You can only KOS terrorists, if there's a 911 call you can respond. For example, someone at the Night Club does "/911 There's an active shooter." you may enter but not search the entire premises without the proper say so of the owner.

Gun Dealer
You sell guns, you can't switch from one job to gun dealer and than back. All shipments/weapons must be at least full price or more.

You can't have actual bases, you have to make your own with props, you can beg for money.

Play Piano for money, take song requests. If you're playing by someone and they ask you to stop/leave you have to. If someone takes your piano you can kill them.

Night Club Owner
You own the nightclub, you can have rules like "No Guns" and you're able to enforce them. Selling drugs to your customers and providing entertainment is all part of the job. Just make sure the police don't crack down on you, because if they do you'll have to stand your ground.

Just listen to the Night Club Owner.

You can kidnap during night and sacrifice victims, you can't raid or mug. Just kidnapping one or several people. They can't resist your kidnap or else that's FailRP, unless there's 2 of them and 1 of you.

Meth Dealer
Make meth, it's highly illegal, and if you're seen with a hazmat suit on you can be warranted. Base with other dealers, thiefs, or by yourself.

You don't have to advert "Hit accepted" but you must advert "Hit complete". If you kill without a hit that's RDM, hits are against the law so watch who you kill. Killing the Mayor is a $3000 hit minimum.

You fight to destroy the Government, you can advert Terror every 15 minutes. During "Terror" everyone is a victim, but you should focus on the Police Station/Tower.

Don't kill people with the climb swep, make your mark with graffiti, it's illegal and you'll be arrested not KOSed. Granted that's if they catch you.